
It’s definitely starting to feel like fall as the weather gets crisp. Here’s just a few of our favorite things we’re loving right now as autumn draws near.


5 Things We're Loving This Fall


[1] Clarisonic Opal

This pocket-sized cousin of the standard Clarisonic cleansing brush works wonders for the eyes. In preparation for the cold months ahead (and the intensified wrinkles and dryness that come with them!), grab an Opal next time you’re in our office + give the skin surrounding your eyes some pampering. This nifty little tool will accelerate your anti-aging regimen far quicker than any topical treatments.


[2] Neocutis JOURNÉE Bio-Restorative Day Cream

Just because the weather is cooling off doesn’t mean you need to skimp on SPF… pick up this fantastic daily moisturizer that will shield your skin from the sun with broad-spectrum UVA/UVB protection (SPF 30), while also smoothing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Talk about killing two birds with one stone!

(Read what VOGUE Magazine had to see about the JOURNÉE Bio-Restorative Day Cream here.)


[3] Kara’s Homemade Pumpkin Peel

What better way to revel in the fall while treating your skin at the same time than mixing up this homemade pumpkin peel from our own Kara Ballard, a licensed medical aesthetician (LMA).

This gentle peel will nourish, exfoliate, hydrate and improve the texture of your skin. Pumpkin is choc-full of nutrients like Vitamins A and C, beta-carotene and potassium—all of which make this treatment one that is rich in antioxidants. Here’s what you need (you probably already have these ingredients in your kitchen right now!):

  • 1/4 cup puréed pumpkin pulp (exfoliates)
  • 1 tsp. honey (humectant—hydrates)
  • 1 tsp. yogurt (softens)

Mix these ingredients together, apply to face and wait 15 minutes. Then just rinse with warm water and voila!


[4] NARS Satin Lip Pencil

If you’re looking for a long-wearing, vitamin-enriched lip color, look no further. We’re loving the NARS Satin Lip Pencil in Isola Bella — it’s moisturizing, plus it can be used as a liner or a stick… or both!


[5] Green Tea

Need a little somethin’ to warm you up? According to Dr. Lee, some studies have shown that green tea has antioxidant effects that can increase the elasticity of the skin, decrease wrinkles and protect from skin cancer. So kick back, relax and drink up!