
The following article ran in The Williamson Source on April 17, 2014.




After a long winter, the temps are finally warming up, the days are longer, and the sun is out! It’s usually around this time of the year that we start spending more time outdoors. Like many people, you may be wondering where your old bottle of sunscreen is, or you may be faced with a wide array of sunscreen options on the store shelves.

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States, and one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in a lifetime. Melanoma is the most common type of cancer in young adults 25-29 years old. Sunscreens have been proven to decrease your risk of skin cancer, as well as prevent wrinkles and other signs of skin aging.

If you’re wondering about the basics of sunscreen or what you should be doing to protect yourself from sunburns and skin cancers, keep reading.

Dr. Jennifer Lee, Medical Director of REN Dermatology in Franklin and Board-certified Dermatologist, gives us a primer on sunscreen facts, when and how we should be using sunscreen appropriately, and explains why she never leaves the house without applying it.

To read the rest of the article on the importance of sunscreen and Dr. Lee’s advice, go here.