
Laser hair removal is the most common cosmetic procedure in the United States, but it might still be a little intimidating to some people. To address any confusion or concern, here are some answers to frequently asked questions about the laser hair removal process:

Q: How does laser hair removal work? 

A: Each pulse of the laser beams highly concentrated light at the hair follicle to destroy it and can target multiple hair follicles at once without damaging the surrounding skin.

Q: Is it safe to treat the face? What other parts of the body can be treated? 

A: Laser hair removal is perfect for treating almost any area of the body including the face, legs, arms, underarms, bikini line and more. At REN Dermatology, Dr. Lee carefully treats her patients with the Gentle Max laser, which is safe and effective for both women and men of all skin types and colors.

Q: How long does the treatment take to perform? 

A: Each pulse of the laser takes less than a second. Therefore, small areas like the upper lip can take less than a minute to treat while larger areas such as the back or legs can be done in about an hour.

Q: How often do I need a treatment? 

A: Several treatments are usually needed and can be performed every 4-6 weeks until the hair stops growing. Future treatments may be needed periodically to ensure long lasting results.

Q: How much does it cost? 

A: The cost of the procedure as well as the amount of sessions needed to remove the hair depends on the size of the area on the body, the color and thickness of the hair, and the skin type and color of the patient. Sessions are priced individually.

Q: What is the pain level like? How will I feel afterwards?

A: Patients can expect to feel minimal pain during the procedure and are very unlikely to suffer from any side effects afterwards. Since the treatment is so quick and little to no downtime can be expected, patients can easily go about their daily activities directly following the procedure.

REN Dermatology is a comprehensive skin care center located in Franklin, Tenn., in the heart of Williamson County. You can schedule an appointment over the phone at 615.835.3220, or online through the website’s contact page.