
You made a New Year’s resolution to lose weight. However, January is coming to a close, and you haven’t made any progress.

Sound familiar? Don’t lose hope! Our UltraShape Power and VelaShape combination can help you lose weight, with virtually no pain or downtime, in just three treatments! This powerful combo treatment is the fastest way to get rid of fat, especially that stubborn belly fat!

Released last August, REN was the first office in the state to be home to the revolutionary UltraShape Power, a FDA-cleared, non-invasive, body-shaping procedure. The machine uses focused, pulsed ultrasound technology to destroy fat cells without anesthesia or surgery. Smooth, tightened results often appear as quickly as two to four weeks after the first treatment.

It works by directing ultrasound energy into the fat cells below the skin’s surface. Rapidly changing pressure waves create vapor cavities in these cells. This stresses the fat cell membranes, causing them to rupture—all while leaving the surrounding skin, nerves, and blood vessels unharmed. There is no uncomfortable heating or cooling involved.

VelaShape is a body contouring treatment used to tone, tighten and contour through a series of heat and vacuum stimulation. Often described as feeling like a “deep tissue massage,” VelaShape stimulates the growth of new and better collagen and elastin which results in localized reduction in skin laxity, body volume, and cellulite.

VelaShape and UltraShape complement each other, providing the best and fastest solution for patients looking to get rid of loose skin, cellulite and excess fast without pain or surgery. While VelaShape offers full body circumference reduction, cellulite reduction and skin tightening, UltraShape selectively targets and destroys belly fat, as well as fat in the flanks and thighs. Both procedures are comfortable and require no downtime.

This combination of these cutting-edge procedures is both safe and effective. Check out our before and after gallery here to see for yourself the amazing results our patients have experienced!

It’s time to make your New Year’s resolutions a reality! Don’t wait any longer–call today to schedule an appointment for your consultation!