
In a day and age when there is an oversaturation of beauty products that “guarantee” to transform skin, it can be daunting to pick through brands and tools that will produce the promised results.

One tool that really does make a difference? The Clarisonic, a facial skin care cleansing brush introduced in 2004 by the lead engineer of the Sonicare toothbrush (you can see the comparison!).

According to clinical research, the device cleans six times better than your hands alone—and if that isn’t enough, a Clarisonic cycle also allows your skin to receive 61% more Vitamin C absorption after use.

Compatible for most skin types, this electronic device uses its rotating bristles to remove the top layer of your skin, better preparing it to more thoroughly absorb whatever treatment—creams, serums, anti-aging care—you apply. Not only does that gentle exfoliation allow products to penetrate more deeply, it also promotes more even-toned skin.

Kirsten Kelly, a celebrity hair and makeup artist in Nashville, Tenn., and a friend of REN Dermatology, recently tried the Clarisonic. Read about her experience with the product here, and how it’s dramatically changed her complexion.

Transformation Thursday

Kirsten Kelly’s transformation after using the Clarisonic: “I regret waiting so long to get this magical cleansing machine! It would have saved me all the money I spent on products that didn’t work, as well as the emotional turmoil that comes with bad skin.”

The bottom line is that Clarisonic is designed to work with your skin, and not against it. Below we’ve put together a list of Clarisonic tools that generally work for certain skin types.

To best determine which products will work best with your specific conditions and skin, come into REN Dermatology to receive tips and tricks.


Recommended Clarisonic: 

Mia 2 ($150) or Pro ($225)

Recommended Brush Head: 

Normal Brush Head for clear, unblemished skin; ideal for men who want to prepare skin for shaving


Recommended Clarisonic: 

Mia 2 ($150) or Pro ($225)

Recommended Brush Head: 

Normal Brush Head or Sensitive Brush for extra-gentle but thorough cleansing without irritation. The delicate version promotes extra hydration.


Recommended Clarisonic: 

Mia 2 ($150) or Pro ($225)

Recommended Brush Head: 

Normal Brush Head or Acne Cleansing Brush for an extra-plush, yet sensitive, cleanse


Recommended Clarisonic: 

Mia 2 ($150) or Pro ($225)

Recommended Brush Head: 

Normal Brush Head or Acne Cleansing Brush to help flush and dislodge oil and debris that clogs pores


Recommended Clarisonic: 

Pro ($225)

Recommended Brush Head: 

Body Brush to cleanse and exfoliate décolleté, hands, arms, legs, elbows and feet.


Recommended Clarisonic Device: 

The Opal ($185)

This specific device uses your anti-aging to accelerate the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles beyond the capabilities of applying topical treatments with the hands. The Opal Infuser boosts absorption by driving the product deeper into the skin for younger-looking eyes faster.

So are there any dangers? 

Though Clarisonic says its brushes are gentle enough to use twice a day, be careful to not over cleanse skin, stripping it of its natural oils. If you notice dry skin, this can often be remedied by forgoing harsh cleansers, or by paring use down to one cycle per day.

If you see the following signs of overuse, schedule an appointment with REN so we can get you back on track:

  • Raw, red skin
  • Sudden flaky, dry skin
  • Increased sensitivity
  • Unexpected breakouts with any of the symptoms above

REN Dermatology is a comprehensive skin care center located in Franklin, Tenn., in the heart of Williamson County. You can schedule an appointment over the phone at 615.835.3220, or online through the website’s contact page. 

Purchase any of the products mentioned at REN Dermatology.