
Explore The REN Dermatology Blog

Laura Lea: Keeping it Balanced During the Holidays

Laura Lea: Keeping it Balanced During the Holidays

With the holidays fast approaching, we asked our friend Laura Lea–a certified holistic chef–to give us some pointers on how to enjoy the season, while still remaining healthy. Below are her tips for staying balanced, plus a delicious + detoxifying smoothie recipe....

REVEAL Event Uncovers a Shocking Reality

REVEAL Event Uncovers a Shocking Reality

Many of you participated in our REVEAL event this month, which was a huge success! Our office was bustling with excitement (and shock) as participants received their complementary skin complexion reports from the REVEAL Imager. This machine evaluates skin...

Rediscover Retinoids

Rediscover Retinoids

You may remember using Retin-A (Tretinoin) cream for acne when you were younger (or if you’re like some of us, you may be still using it!). Now, it’s as popular as ever since recent studies have shown that retinoids (the family of creams that include Tretinoin,...

Product Spotlight: Quanta Light 4V Laser

Product Spotlight: Quanta Light 4V Laser

What if we told you that one of our lasers could safely and easily treat a variety of unwanted conditions on all skin colors and types? Think hair removal, spider veins, red spots, sun spots and a number of other discolorations. Through a combination of...

5 Things We’re Loving This Fall

5 Things We’re Loving This Fall

It's definitely starting to feel like fall as the weather gets crisp. Here’s just a few of our favorite things we’re loving right now as autumn draws near.     [1] Clarisonic Opal This pocket-sized cousin of the standard Clarisonic cleansing brush works...

Get To Know The REN Family: Chelsea Howell

Get To Know The REN Family: Chelsea Howell

You may have met our lead nurse Chelsea Howell, LPN - but do you really know her? Learn what her favorite products are, why she's passionate about healthy skin and much more in her Q + A below! Q: Where did you attend school? A: I spent most of my time at The...

Introduction to Eyelash Extensions

Eyelash extensions are becoming a popular trend as everyday women are using them to dramatically enhance their look.  Technically, eyelash extensions are the process of isolating a single hair of eyelashes and applying an extension to that individual hair. ...

Introduction to Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is the most common cosmetic procedure in the United States, but it might still be a little intimidating to some people. To address any confusion or concern, here are some answers to frequently asked questions about the laser hair removal process: Q:...

11 Things You’re Doing That Cause Dry Skin

11 Things You’re Doing That Cause Dry Skin

The following article appeared on SheKnows on April 30, 2014. 11 THINGS YOU'RE DOING THAT CAUSE DRY SKIN BY MOLLY CERRETA SMITH   SKIN CARE SINS: ARE YOU GUILTY? Everyday things you do cause your skin to dry out and look less than desirable. Even if you're a...

Medical Mondays: Psoriasis

For today’s #MedicalMonday blog post, we’re discussing psoriasis, a common, chronic skin condition that causes skin redness and irritation in roughly 8 million people in the US. Each case of psoriasis is different and can vary in ways such as type, severity and...

Moisturize Me! What Your Skin Is Telling You

Moisturize Me! What Your Skin Is Telling You

The following article appeared in SheKnows on April 30, 2014. MOISTURIZE ME! WHAT YOUR SKIN IS TELLING YOU BY MOLLY CERRETA SMITH   IF YOUR SKIN COULD TALK Your skin is like a suit of armor — it protects you. You should give it the same courtesy. But how do you...

8 Ways Your Skin Care Should Change This Spring

8 Ways Your Skin Care Should Change This Spring

This article was published on SheKnows on April 30, 2014. 8 WAYS YOUR SKIN CARE SHOULD CHANGE THIS SPRING By Molly Cerreta Smith SWITCH UP YOUR ROUTINE Your skin does not respond well to a one-season-fits-all regimen. As the weather warms up, treat your skin right...

The Importance of Sunscreen, Part 2

The Importance of Sunscreen, Part 2

The following article ran in The Williamson Source on April 18, 2014. THE IMPORTANCE OF SUNSCREEN, PART 2 BY ANDREA HINDS Dr. Jennifer Lee, Medical Director of REN Dermatology in Franklin and Board-certified Dermatologist, continues her discussion on sunscreen facts....

Medical Mondays :: Nail Cancer

We’ve all been told by doctors and dermatologists to check the hidden areas of our body, the places we wouldn’t think to look, when checking for possible signs of skin cancer—between our toes, our hairline, the soles of our feet. But did you know your nails are...

Transformation Thursday :: Clarisonic

Transformation Thursday :: Clarisonic

In a day and age when there is an oversaturation of beauty products that “guarantee” to transform skin, it can be daunting to pick through brands and tools that will produce the promised results. One tool that really does make a difference? The Clarisonic, a facial...

Skin Cancer Awareness Month :: Melanoma Monday

As we explore the topic of skin cancer during Skin Cancer Awareness Month this month, today we turn our discussion to melanoma, the most common—and most dangerous—form of skin cancer. Melanoma usually appears in the form of a mole or discoloration in the skin. If...